In Sri Biotech, we believe in delivering quality products. Our products are well supervised and manufactured with at most care and commitment to provide the best to the farmer; as we believe that a happy farmer makes a happy nation.
SBT Biodegrader is specially formulated for hardness control, this accelerates degradation of organic matter such as protien, lipid, carbohydrate, cellulose; and also ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, hydrogen sulphide & phosphate.
Promi Y30
SBT Promi Y30 is a biological solution for ammonia problem which binds ammonia and other toxic gases.
SBT Multipro is a solution for vibrio control; it is a water & soil probiotic that helps improve pond bottom and water quality.
Healthy Pro
SBT Healhty Pro is a superior gut probiotic and acts as a preventive for white gut.
SBT Ammonil keeps fish and prawn healthy, improves pond dissolved Oxygen content. Prevents blooming (growing) of algae in water which is dangerous for the health of fish & prawns.
SBT Nitronil prevents formation of harmful nitrite in water & if formed before, it also helps to convert them to good nitrate which acts as a good bio fertilizer. (Note: Nitronil & Ammonil if used together give a very good result)
Dual Pro
SBT Dual Pro stops bacteria multiplication in water and prevents water pollution which is caused due to dead substances. They also help to prevent buildup of sludge in pond.
Min Boost+
SBT Min Boost+ is an aqua mineral with amino acids and probiotics for complete nutritional balance which helps correcting the mineral imbalance in water and soil.
SBT Triple-Vin is a broad spectrum disinfectant and virucide that works effectively on virus, bacteria, fungi and protozoa.
SBT HardNil is a water softner & detoxifier and efficiently removes the hardness and toxic substances from the pond water.
Gill San +3
SBT Gill San is highly effective against the gill infection, it suppresses harmful plankton like Dinoflagellates in the water.
Red San+
SBT Red San+ is an excellent bateriocide, fungicide, algaecide, protozoa, virucide.
Bacto Power
SBT Bacto Power is a powerful bacteriocide, fungicide, algaecide & virucide.
GeoClean- DS
SBT GeoClean-DS is a high quality aquaculture grade zeolite with probiotics & Yucca having 420 CEC.
Sanex 4
SBT Sanex 4 keeps the fungal, bacterial, algael & protozoan in control.
SBT I-Nox is highly effective against Red Disease, Dropsy, Columnaris, Bacterial Gill Disease, protozoan infections and fungal infections in fish. It also promotes molting in hard shell diseases in prawns.